
Most heart problems occur due to structural problems, blood clots and damaged vessels. Some of the most common types of cardiovascular diseases include: Angina, Arrhythmia, Heart Attack, Heart Failure, Rheumatic Heart Disease, Congenital Heart Disease and Hypertension. At the best cardiologist in Jaipur, Khetan Hosital, you can get the best treatment for any cardiovascular diseases.



Most the cardiovascular diseases share some common signs and symptoms such as chest pain, sweating, ghabrahat, shortness of breath, fainting, swelling in legs, radiating pain to arms and neck, unexplained lethargy.

 This leads to confusion among the patients and instead of visiting the Cardiologist, they start self-diagnosis or even self-treatment. Self-treatment may worsen the situation.

best cardiologist in Jaipur

To avoid serious complications, people are advised to seek medical assistance and get the diagnosis done for suitable treatment on time. We at Khetan Heart & Super Speciality Hospital, have the best cardiologist in Jaipur and we are considered the most popular hospital in Jaipur as we have modern diagnostic machines that give accurate results. Below are some of the common diagnostic tests that are performed to diagnose cardiovascular diseases:

Blood Tests – The Cardiologist advises some lab tests to check for the usual signs of heart diseases and their risk factors. Such as lipid profile, kidney, liver function, haematocrit, Trop T, Trop I & NT- Pro BNP  

Electrocardiogram (ECG) – One of the most common tests, an EKG/ECG is used to record the electrical activity of the heart. An electrocardiogram shows the speed and the rhythm of the heart. This test is usually used to determine angina attack, heart attack and arrhythmias.

Echocardiogram – Also known as echocardiography or diagnostic cardiac ultrasound, this test is used to check the working and structure of the heart. At times, doctors also combine echocardiography with Doppler to see the areas of the heart with poor blood supply. This is also used to check which heart muscles are not pumping normally.

Stress Test/ CTMT – This test is used to access the blood flow of the heart on doing an exertional activity.

It is performed to check how the patient’s body reacts to external stress. The patient is asked to run on a treadmill with the patches of EKG/ECG placed over their body which are used to measure the heart’s activity. People who cannot exercise are given pills that increase their heart rate.

Holter Monitoring – Doctors perform Holter monitoring to check irregularities in the heart rhythm which are not easily detected during an ECG exam. The portable device is usually of a camera’s size and has wires with silver dotted electrodes that are stuck on the skin. The patient needs to wear a Holter monitor to record a continuous ECG. The test lasts for at least 24 to 72 hours.

Cardiac Catheterization –  Another test to diagnose cardiovascular disease, cardiac catheterization is an invasive procedure in which doctors insert a long thin tube, known as a catheter, into an artery or vein in the neck, arm or groin. The tube is then threaded through the blood vessel to the heart. A contrast dye is also inserted through the catheter to get detailed images of the valves, coronary arteries and heart chambers. The test is performed to examine the working of the heart by measuring the pressure and flow of the blood.

Cardiac Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan A common imaging test, a cardiac CT scan is used to collect the images of the heart and chest to check for the issues. During the test, the patients are made to lie on a table inside the machine which consists of an X-ray tube that scans the body and collects images.

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – This test is performed to get 3D images of the heart. This imaging test uses magnets, radio waves and a computer to create the pictures that help the doctors in determining the heart problem.


Our cardiologist are the best cardiologist in Jaipur, with years of experience in treatment. Once the diagnosis is done, the doctors suggest the best suitable treatment for the patients. Here are some of the common treatment options that are followed by the  for cardiovascular diseases:

best cardiologist in Jaipur

Lifestyle Changes – Doctors advise patients to follow a healthy lifestyle that includes eating a low-fat diet, performing regular exercise, and quitting smoking and alcohol.

Medications – In cases where lifestyle changes are not enough to treat heart disease, the doctors prescribe medications. The prescription depends on the type of heart disease the patient has been diagnosed with.

Angioplasty and Stenting – Most commonly done for coronaries but includes carotid, renal and periphery also. It is done to open a blocked vessel after angiography by placing a stent. It removes the major blockages and relieves symptoms of chest pain. Improves blood flow to the heart over time and overall improves the heart pumping and work. The average time is 20-30min per procedure.

Pacemakers or ICD – Mostly used for patients suffering from arrhythmia, a cardiac pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) are devices that are implanted in the chest or abdomen to control irregular heartbeats. The devices are placed through minor surgery.

Surgery – Surgeries are also performed in severe cases when medications cannot treat the patient. Some of the common heart surgeries that are performed include coronary artery bypass grafting, Heart Valve Repair or Replacement and heart transplant.

Check out Facilities available at the Hospital. Or contact us for any query.

Best Cardiologist in Jaipur

Khetan Hospital has been providing health services and curing cardiovascular diseases for more than  26 years now. With our expert team of best cardiologist in Jaipur, we have successfully performed many cardiovascular surgeries.

Khetan heart and super speciality Hospital is located in prime
locality of sikar road, at Khetan Chauraha , Jaipur . From a
humble beginning of a 30 beds hospital in 1996, Khetan
Hospital has grown to 50 bedded hospital in 2022 with new
redefined prevailing standards of clinical care, technology
& infrastructure with new name as Khetan Heart & Super
Specialty Hospital. We have been deemed as for having the Best cardiologist in Jaipur.


Khetan Chauraha, Sikar Road, Jaipur - 302039

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